WSO Reviews

What Is SEO And How It Works

You hear it all the time from internet marketers, how is your SEO? have you done SEO on your site?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, this refers to the process of sending signals to search engines that your site is worth showing on Google’s index.

The optimization part is how you apply different techniques to rank high in the search results.

Google uses algorithms which are complex math formulas that give a score for every website and every search that people perform on their search engine.

These scores are the basis on which website should rank first for what a person is searching for. We can compare algorithms to a collection of empty jars.

One jar will give you a score for content, another jar scores you on how many sites link to you, and yet another gives a rating for how many people trust you. The purpose of SEO is to fill up those empty jars so that you will get the highest scores than any other site.

The good news is there are hundreds of jars that you can fill up, and all these scores are added up to determine your rank. SEO helps you fill up as many jars as you can which is a continuous process.

You need to take note that there are jars that are worth more points than others. The three main jars that you need to be aware of are quality, authority, and trust.


Google is always looking for quality in your content. The algorithms are trying to find out if you are offering something unique, interesting or valuable to the searcher.

If you are a real estate broker and you copy every description that all other brokers use for a specific property, then you are not offering something unique to potential searchers.

Even if your property is the best in the market, having similar and generic content as the rest will not signal Google that your property is better than all the competition.

Offer your audience a different kind of experience. Make videos of drone shots of the property you are selling and describe in detail. Take photos and come up with infographics on why they should invest in the property and the benefits they will get.

Describe the lifestyle and give projections on ROI in a few years. Take photos of famous people who have bought the property and are now building their houses. There are so many ways to come up with unique and valuable content, make sure you are not just like all the other brokers selling the property.


Trust is another essential jar that you need to fill up. Google is not just trying to lead searchers to sites that have great content. The sites should also be trustworthy. Having quality content but low trust ratings will lower your rankings or worse have your site penalized.

Google has indicated that they will not have second thoughts in imposing penalties to sites that have so many poor customer reviews. Your site may not be seen on Google searches again if you do not address this issue.

Show Google that your site is trustworthy by having consistent good reviews. Link building is another tactic that you can use to build trust. It is difficult and may cost money, but the results that you may get from high authority sites organically linking to your site is well worth the investment.

Focus on partners, customers, and vendors who have trusted sites to link to your site.


Authority is a jar that also gives you higher points compared to the rest. Google wants to give searchers the most popular websites they can find. They want to show the most popular real estate website where buyers can buy the best properties available.

You should send Google signals that you are the best real estate website around. Fill this authority jar by building a fan base through social media.

Post photos of satisfied customers, get them to comment and leave testimonials on your site and social platform. Having a massive number of followers and customers will send signals to Google that your site is authoritative and trustworthy.

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